My husband likes to do things by halves
My husband likes to do things by halves
'I'm gonna take a break! I'll do the rest later.'
'Sure, but not now.'
'I'm gonna take a break! I'll do the rest later.'
'Sure, but not now.'
Now that the dust of Summer Vacation has fínally settled, I took some time to look around me and perhaps smell some roses. And the first thing I saw, was hubby. He looked kind of dusty and neglected, so I decided to do some work on our relationship. Considering both my mom and Dr. Laura,...
During breakfast hubby told me in an indignant tone of voice, he'd dreamt he wanted to divorce me. Apparently, in his dream, I had abused his absence to decorate our house, with wall to wall Laura Ashley wallpaper. A grain of truth As with most dreams, there may have been a small grain of truth...
Life can get busy. And sometimes you kinda get lost in the shuffle. Dance lessons to reconnect And lose sight of your husband. Which is why my hubby and I decided to take up ballroom dancing. Ever Sunday evening, for the last year and a half we go dancing. We hold each other as we...
I love getting presents. But only presents that don't require any action on my part, otherwise they're just work in disguise. So when hubby comes home, brandishing a big bouquet of flowers, I tell him with appropriate gratitude: 'Thank you honey. Now put them in a vase please.' Then hubby throws them into the sink...
After a vicious cold has robbed me of my sense of smell and taste, my life has become very bland. That's unpleasant, but it comes with some unexpected perks. Shooting balloons on my computer?! Because when I staggered into the cubby hole that is my office, my head spinning and my eyes watering, because I...
My husband and I wage a silent battle about who works the hardest, and who's the most tired. But apart from that, we fight about who can cook the best soup. Bland versus spicy Hubby says his soup tastes the best, but I think it's more bland than Tinkiewinkie without his red purse. So I...
Thanks for sharing at Friendship Friday at Create With Joy - this is SO true!