Turn it around
Sometimes you just gotta turn it around.
Sometimes you just gotta turn it around.
Since our move to the country I've taken to folding the laundry on the kitchen table. Unfortunately this is just one stage of the process of doing laundry. In fact, after doing lots of research I've concluded there are 7 stages! And each stage carries with it, the risk of stagnation! The 7 Stages of...
Even though I've been a mom for almost thirty years now, I still fear the day someone comes up to me and exposes me as a fraud. I often feel like an actress in a very bad B-movie. The kind that doesn't even make it to the movie theater, but is released onto dvd immediately....
'I saw you at the store, looking at refrigerators!' the guy at the local bakery told me. I blanched, because I had neither seen, nor noticed him, and I always worry people think I'm a snob. Which I am, so it's hard work to avoid looking like one. Overcompensating So I overcompensated by telling him...
Not to tell on my husband, but I think his parenting skills leave something to be desired. Take for example his approach to making the kids breakfast. Hubby's parenting skills 'What do you want for breakfast? A peanut butter sandwich? No? Cereal? No? Bacon and eggs? No? Rice Krispies? No? You have to decide now!...
The kids' longing for a pet is like nits: the minute you start to relax they pop up again. Can I have a pet? So this morning I performed the classicical play: 'Kid wants a pet, but mom doesn't'. My co-star was my son Ot (10), who can be summed up by the slogan of...
Why isn't there a symbol for movies that warns: 'Totally Unsuitable For Moms'?! There I was, innocently tuning into a series called Love my Way, a big bowl of potato chips on my lap. But just as I crammed the first fistful of chips into my mouth, the eight year old girl of one of...
I know it's cool to say: 'When I was a kid I used to play for hours with just a twig and some dirt!' But who are we kidding here: playing with twigs and dirt has gotten a lot more competition since then! Nowadays playing outside has to compete with playing on the Wii, Nintento,...
The kids were playing house, with some new kids they'd met in the nearby playground. My son told one of the girls in his most masculine voice: 'Well Mother, I'm heading off to work!' And 'Mother' replied tenderly: 'And I'll start cooking!' Then she leaned over and whispered: 'And by the way: 'What's your name?'
Neighborhood kids often look around around our happy home, and declare: 'It's só messy in here! Our house looks much better.' This observation baffles me, because I think our house looks quite well, thank you! But, seven people live in it, and perhaps that explains their cruel judgment. Besides, I suspect their parents of Minimalism!...