Vergelijkbare berichten
There's a fairy in my garden!
There's a beautiful fairy in my garden! She's wearing a floral dress and flowers in her hair. She's my youngest daughter.
It must be my fault
I'm a big fan of the series Downton Abbey. I very much appreciate the lifestyle! Would you like a cup of tea? 'Would you like a cup of tea?' Lady Mary asked a visitor yesterday. Usually when someone wants a cup of tea, you then have to go into the kitchen and make some. But not...
5 Household Maintenance Tasks to Keep On Top of this Summer
It's one of those things I dread the most: my washing machine breaking down. Because with five teenagers in the house, there's always a lot of laundry waiting to get done. And if I so much as slack off for óne day, that laundry immediately will start to grow, and grow and grow. Until it...
Know your numbers: cholesterol 7.9
'Know your numbers!' isn't that what they say? So I decided to get to know my cholesterol number. But now that we're acquainted, I can honestly say I don't like it very much. This is one test I would rather have a low score on. But I got a whopping 7.9. It seems that when...
The universal language of parenting and husband and wife!
I was wandering through a Walmart lookalike shop, looking for things I didn't know I needed, when this German family crossed my path. The mom only had eyes for the merchandise, so the dad was condemned to the role of Lone Parent. You can look, but please don't touch! As they passed the glassware he...
Google is watching me: What does Google know about you?
I found this email in mijn inbox, titled: 'Nicole, your June update'. I almost threw it out without reading it, but I was curious so I clicked on it. Turns out, it's a Google report about my whereabouts in the month of June! Apparently I activated this.... Google Activity It said: 'Nicole, here's your...