Vergelijkbare berichten
'Rrrring!' our doorbell keeps on ringing. Ignoring it is useless, because they'll just ring it again. And again. And Again. And if I stíll don't come to the door, they'll just park their finger on it and keep it there. This time it turned out to one of the neighbourhood kids, looking up at me...
Modern day reading
I used to greatly prefer réál books to eBooks.But then I discovered the perks of eBooks, and now I find myself using my eReader all the time. However, unlike paper books, eReaders have needs. They run on batteries. Modern day reading One day, while I was out in our garden basking in the sunshine, while...
4 free Aldi fitness videos using groceries!
You have to admire Aldi for their initiative and originality. They launched 4 free fitness videos in the Netherlands, using their own products. You can strengthen your arms using Aldi laundry detergent, of exercise your stomach with their Bleach! Legs work-out! Here's one of the 4 free work-out videos of Aldi. This is the one...
I've got two different legs!
When the sun came out in March I decided it was time to get rid of all the winter paraphernalia. So I took all our winter coats, scarves, mittens and tights and put them away. And I told them: 'See you next year!' Then it became cold again But then April happened. And temperatures went...
Lockdown outing during Covid-19
Three of my children have left the nest. But it's not empty, because I still have two children living at home. And because of the Covid-19 pandemic they've been home more than ever. The last time they saw the inside of a classroom was in March 2020! Since then, all lessons have been online. Social...
New, cute smartphone cover for my Huawei!
Yeah alright, it's not important in the grand scheme of things but I'm so happy with my new, cute smartphone cover! I love it. Just looking at it makes me happy : ) Smartphone bookcase for Huawei Honor 8x And it's also very handy! I can put my bank and library card in there! This...
Looks like my kid!
I don't like the frame, but I like the photo/art 🙂