Vergelijkbare berichten
Bird bath
I have discovered the joys of bird watching! We live in the countryside, and there's not much to do around here ; ) Bird watching is fun! But there's one thing we do have, and that's lots of birds flying around. So ever since I discovered how much fun it is to do some...
Does the weather affect your plans?
Whenever the sun makes a surprise appearance, I almost feel obligated to drop whatever I'm doing, run outside and go and sit in the sun. So the weather kind of dictates my plans. Much like my kids…. Does the weather affect your calender?
Ten Duh-Tips!
I felt like challenging my mind, so I was reading a woman's magazine, and stumbled upon an article about choosing the right bathing suit. And it made me wonder: 'How dumb do they think we are?!' Because they offered this tip: 'Need a new bathing suit? Don't buy a model that is too tight, because...
Having your wisdom teeth pulled: facing my fears
Having your wisdom teeth pulled is, surprisingly, not at all like pulling teeth. In fact, it was so much easier than I expected that I actually thought: 'I can't believe I made such a fuss!' Once upon a time, well alright, it was 5 years ago my dentist said to me: 'Oh and by the...
Naughty daddy
I was taking my son Piet for his swimming lessons for the umpteenth time, feeling numb with boredom, when he suddenly said: 'Daddy is very naughty!' 'Oh yeah?' I said distractedly, because I was busy feeling sorry for myself. 'Daddy uses lots of naught words' 'Yes, daddy uses lots of naughty words when the other...
Double standards
We were sitting in an empty classroom. My husband, our eldest son and me. We were waiting for the final results of his exams. Go and socialize! In the other class rooms I saw students having fun, and talking busily. While outside the parents were having what seemed to be very animated conversations. So I...
Looks like my kid!
I don't like the frame, but I like the photo/art 🙂