Whatsapp status: what's yours?
I resisted it for a long time.
Whatsapp. A free app for your smartphone which allows you to send text messages for free.
I didn't want to know about it.
'What's wrong with a nice long email?' I said.
But then my kids got older and they got whatsapp on their smartphones. Since they're always short of money, they love whatsapp. And they use it to tell me stuff. Like: 'I'll be home a little late.' And my youngest son likes to tell me his grades with whatsapp.
So slowly but surely I got used to it. And now I can even see the benefits. It's very easy to use and a low key way to keep in touch with people.
Whats app status
A few days ago I was looking at my contact list on whatsapp. I've got about 8 contacts. Five of which are my children : )
I found them interesting!
- Why is a raven like a writingdesk?' (Whatsapp status of my eldes daughter! I wonder what the answer is...)
- 'Insects will take over the world.' (12- year old son. A bit creepy isn't it?!)
- 'I'ld rather trust and regret than doubt and regret. Kirito' (16-year old daughter)
- 'Hey there! I am using WhatsApp.' (Standard whatsapp status. This one is from my 19 year old son who seldom usewhatsapp gebruikt.'
- 'Claimed by Irene since 25-10-2015'.(14-year old son)
My whatsapp status is...
Life's a beach!
Because right I'm finding life not at all easy, but my mom taught me not to use profanity.
What's your whatsapp status?
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What a fun App! I can't wait to try it out!
I've heard about WhatsApp but I've not downloaded it. Most of my friends and family still use traditional text messaging but I guess I'd convert for connection sake like you did.
My status right now would be moving forward with cautious optimism.
Oh, Stopping by from the traffic jam weekend link up.
Hi Nicole - Our youngest son had everyone in the family get WhatsApp when he went to Uganda for two months last summer. It worked so well, and was a great way to keep in touch. Thanks for sharing with the Let's Get Real Party.