Transferring from Blogger to WordPress: it's like giving birth!

I finally did it: I transferred from Blogger to WordPress. All the popular moms were doing it, and for a long time I thought I'ld stick with good old, comfortable Blogger.

Then one morning  I woke up and decided: 'I'm gonna do it! I'm going to transfer to Blogger and become a Serious Blogger.' You know, the kind who puts her money where her blog is. I was filled with glee and happiness, much like the happiness you get from your New Year's resolutions. The only thing is: then you have to go out and actually do it. Which is kind of a bummer.

So I did my research and bought Sharon Huijk's book How to move from Blogger to WordPress, which came with lots of pictures showing me step by step what to do, and I got to work. And I did fine until I had to do something with ftp, and other really scary stuff. And then I got entangled with Multisite, and that messed everything up so bad, I had to delete everything I had done. N.B. This wasn't Sharon's fault by the way. Her book says nothing about multisites: I did that all on my own…

So yesterday I deleted two weeks worth of work, but at the end of the day I got Momfever liveand kicking on WordPress! The second time around, instead of 2 weeks, it only took me 4 hours to make the transfer.

Why transferring from Blogger to WordPress is a lot like pregnancy and giving birth!

  1. Both are exciting but also a bit scary.
  2. There'll be a phase in which you want to scream and tear your hair out: this is the desperation phase. Both during labor and during transfer from Blogger to WordPress you'll come across this phase.
  3. The world of WordPress is populated by people using odd terms like ftp clients, ftp proces, php, and wp-config.php and .htacces file. And these people don't understand, you don't understand what they're saying. So they'll explain it again, using the same technie terms and only one sentence of explanation. This is just like when you get pregnant and you suddenly hear terms like toxoplasmoses, listeria, onesies, and Bugaboos bandied about.
  4. After you have the end product in your hand, you want to jump for joy! You feel all happy and proud and like it was all worth it!

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12 reacties

  1. Hi Vanita, thanks for commenting! I immediately activated Jetpack, because Socialize was indeed a bit difficult for me. I'm going to come back to your website often!

  2. also? wanted to share, but no sharing buttons. i recommend Socialize, but if you want to go the easy route (cause gawd knows you've had enough) Jetpack by WordPress (which is also good for tracking your traffic and a bunch of other great stuff) offers easy sharing button set up. Also, if you don't have a plugin that offers to email your visitors when you reply to their comments, check out ReplyMe. All 3 are free. Welcome to WordPress!

  3. awww girl, i see why you had trouble. it's not the actual move, it's dealing with hosting. usually you don't have to deal with htacess and config files and php unless you have A Lot of pictures or the host doesnt have an easy interface. but you did it! learned stuff you never wanted to know...but you did it! congrats girlfriend.

  4. Congrats! I'm going to to it with my business blog, and I have tons of product photos, etc. I still enjoy Blogger for just good old fashioned content and writing, because that's all you need, but the business needs a little more function. Luckily, I'm paying Christina to do it...totally worth it!

  5. Congratulations!!! I just moved to wordpress from blogger over the past two weeks, too. It wasn't my original plan but blogger and GoDaddy broke -- the same day I tried to "grow up." Thanks to some amazing blogging friends and live chat at HostGator, I now possess a "grown up blog" just like you!

    I agree 100%. It's not easy, but it is OHHHHH SOOOO WORTH IT!

    Stop by and let me know how I did. Family Travels on a Budget

  6. LOL! You are lucky there was a book. I moved from Blogger to Squarespace. Fortunately they have a great community and customer service. If I get lost, its not for long. Nice blog! LOL to all the popular moms - I've always been the odd woman out.

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