Vergelijkbare berichten
I've bird spotted The White Bath Duck!
As some of you may know, I like to think of myself as quite the bird watcher! It's all because of Sally Hinchcliffe's book The Year List, a psychological thriller about people who happen to be bird watchers. Never having given birds a second thought, I was surprised to find myself getting interested in them....
The Change: do you think about it?
I recently read a book about menopause, also known as The Change. I thought that books couldn't scare me anymore after reading Stephen King's 'Christine' about a car that's possessed. But this one did! Because The Change is out there, and it's coming for you and for me! Unless you're man of course. But even...
Odd habits
Everyone has them: odd habits. Mine is to take a giant leap every time I want to lie me down to sleep. I start out in the hall way, push off in our bedroom, and jump with all my might into our bed. I háve to do this, you understand. Otherwise the monster beneath our...
Young love
Only days ago my fourteen year old's heart beat speeded up whenever I mentioned Edward McCullen, Twilight's tormented vampire. But suddenly he's yesterday's news, and she has transferred her affections to former bad boy Johnny Depp. It reminds me of the time I was thirteen and had this huge crush on Sandokan, The Tiger of...
It's hér fault!
My work as an Internet Assessor took me places I had never been before. One day I came across an article about Mark Chapman, John Lennon's murderer. Mark: 'She didn't do anything!' The headline told angrily that Mark's wife Gloria, had known about his murderous intentions, but hadn't done 'anything'. In her defense: poor, deluded...
My ten o'clock appointment
Everyday I have a ten o'clock appointment to have a cup of coffee. With myself. Presentation is everything Because I want to let myself know, I really appreciate my company I take great care to make everything looks nice. That's why I don't just grab a big coffee mug. No, I take a nice tray...
This is too funny, love the denied stamp and that you can't have me time. I love my me time for making jewelry, snuggling with cats and eating chocolates.
Love the denied stamp. I love me time too. Thanks for linking up at Family Joy Blog Link Up party! Hope you join us often.
Hope you are able to get some me time this weekend! Thanks for sharing with #SocialButterflySunday! Hope to see you link up again this week 🙂
As a mom, I know this feeling.
Yes, me time is important!
I hope so too!
I have to say, as the little ones get older, you won't need to pull that stamp out as much. Me time get easier to have. Happy Easter. And sneak a chocolate bunny from a basket and slip away without anyone looking and enjoy.
Oh my goodness. Too true my friend. I hope that God blesses you with some time for you in the very near future! Thanks for linking up at Life is Lovely!
Oh too funny!! It took me a minute but when I picked up on it, it sure got me tickled. Thanks so much for linking up at #lifeislovely
LOL!! Me time is overrated perhaps?? JK thanks for linking up #HomeMattersParty
I don't want to believe it's overrated Crystal. I think it's as important as oxygen.
Thanks! You're giving me hope : )
I'd trade ME time for a NAP any day. Or does that fall under the me time category? Naps are a must-have, because I NEVER get enough sleep. The rest is gravy.
For me a nap is indeed the same thing : )
lol! love it! short and funny, right on!
Thank you so much for sharing this over at #bloggerspotlight link and Pin-it Party. I do appreciate it and hope to see you again!
PS: FYI, maybe it is just in my end ..I was trying to pin this but it says Pinterest couldn't find pinnable images. Tried couple of times.