Toothless dragon + Linky
I knew it!
I knew that if my kids would get bored enough, they'ld start getting creative!
My 16-year old daughter made her own toothless dragon out of clay. You know, the one from How to train your dragon? Isn't it beautiful how boredom works?
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Looks brilliant ..well done to her 🙂
It looks just like toothless!
Very creative!
That is so impressive. Well done!
That's great!
Amazing resemblance! My son loves him =)
that's amazing work!
Very well done I love dragons too 🙂
Yes!!! Too many parents think they have to entertain when they hear a child say, "I'm bored." Leave them alone and let their creativity kick in. Which uses THEIR mind more? Entertainment vs. Creativity
yes, that's what she said!
I totally agree Joy!