Modern day reading
I used to greatly prefer réál books to eBooks.But then I discovered the perks of eBooks, and now I find myself using my eReader all the time. However, unlike paper books, eReaders have needs.
They run on batteries.
Modern day reading
One day, while I was out in our garden basking in the sunshine, while reading a very scary novel, my eReader suddenly died on me. Just when the main character was about to kick the bucket too!
I had to charge my eReader, to be able to continue reading.
But I also wanted to stay outside!
Such a dilemma.
What's a girl to do?!
What's a girl to do? Then I remembered our extension cord! So I did a MacGyver and attached the extension cord to the eReader and voila!
I could read again!
That's modern day reading for you.
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