The one with the Birkenstocks?

Who says you can't wear Birkenstocks during Winter?!

Come rain, snow or icy sleet, my husband always wears his Birkenstocks. As you can see in the picture: if it's snowing he just puts some sandwich bags around his Birkenstocks to keep his feet nice and dry.

And it seems like he has become kind of a myth among his fellow travelers.

I know someone

Because one of our neighbourhood friends had a conversation with a friend of a friend, who had a three hour commute every day to his work. My neighbour happily told him she knew someone who álso had to travel a lot and got on the train everyday at the same station.

That's when the friend of a friend got all excited and asked:

'Oh, The One With The Birkenstocks?!'

So it just goes to show: you don't have to wear tights and your panties on the outside to become some kind of superhero!

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7 reacties

  1. I was intrigued by the title of yours post. I used to wear birkenstocks but finally wore them out and got tired of them. But they are quite comfortable. And your husband is a superhero and that is what counts.

  2. I never thought of wearing plastic bags in winter....hmmmm....may have to try this to keep mine on all year long too. Thanks for linking up with Let's Get Real.

  3. LOL When I saw the thumbnail picture of this post, I knew I had to check it out! I grew up in eastern NC where the winters are mostly mild. But once every 3-4 years we'd get a BIG snow of about 2-3" We didn't own boots so bread bags where out shoe covers. Ahhhhhhh the memories.... 🙂 gwingal

  4. How funny! What a small world! This brought back memories of my Mom wrapping our feet in grocery bags before putting our snow boots on! Thanks so much for sharing with #SocialButterflySunday! Hope to see you link up again this week 🙂

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