Frugal comparison shopping at

With five children, and a household to run, we have to watch our spending. So whenever I feel the need to buy something I absolutely can nót do without, like a cute little running skirt, Uggs, or a bright pink baby walker I head on over to is a product search and comparison shopping site, all in one. This way you don't have to plough your way through thousands of results, that may not be useful.

Let's say you're interested in a black crib bedding. You just type 'black crib bedding' into the query box, and next thing you know there's a whole page of results, showing you where you can get it, ánd how much it costs. At first I thought black crib bedding would only suit Bella and Edward Cullen's baby, Edward being a vampire and all, but it actually looks quite nice.

And if the baby is tired of walking around in his baby walker, I search for bassinet stroller and get me one of those.

Shopping has never been so easy and frugal. Never buy, before you've checked to make sure you get the best deal available.

Do you do 'comparison shopping' before you buy something?

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  1. I totally do on "big" items, but am a total impulse shopper when it comes to smaller stuff! Show me a cute sundress and I'm buying it!
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