Father's day

I'm happy to report I had a happy Mother's Day, thanks to me, myself and I. I devoted precious time to lobbying for good presents, and it paid off. Then came Father's Day, and hubby had not put any effort into the promotion of himself. So the only child who offered him a present was...

Your turn!

Even though we've been married for almost 18 years, I still look out of the window with longing. Waiting for hubby to come home. Sometimes I even walk into the street, just to see if I can see him coming. My heart is always yearning for his arrival. And then, when the moment arrives, and...

Say something nice?

I was starving for some positive reinforcement, so against my better judgement I asked hubby: 'Please say something nice to me?' In my defense: it had been a very long day, and the kids had been awful! Hubby immediately got that familiar deer-in-the-headlight look, while I waited patiently. Minutes went by, and the silence got...