Father's day

I'm happy to report I had a happy Mother's Day, thanks to me, myself and I. I devoted precious time to lobbying for good presents, and it paid off.

Then came Father's Day, and hubby had not put any effort into the promotion of himself. So the only child who offered him a present was our youngest son Pete, who had made coupons at school. Pete is a smart little guy, and he'd made sure these coupons were beneficial for him too. So my husband got coupons for playing checkers with Pete, playing Monopoly with Pete, playing Trivial Pursuit with Pete, playing Twister with Pete, a trip to World Disney with Pete, and a trip to the McDonalds. With Pete. Hubby looked a bit ashen when he saw his coupons.

Luckily hubby is blessed with a fabulous wife, so he also got a pair of socks and some new boxershorts, because he needed those anyway. That, and the promise of the new book of his favourite author, Robert Sawyer. I bought it six weeks ago, and carefully hid it so hubby wouldn't accidentally find it. In fact I hid it so well, I now have absolutely no idea whatsoever where it is. But hey, it's the thought that counts, isn't it?!

'Aren't you a lucky man, having a wife who bought you your favourite book,' I declared. 'If I ever find it again, you'll get it immediately!'
Hubby looked a little bit down, so to comfort him I gave him a coupon for sex. Too bad the fine print says it's only valid on leap day.

That's what you get if you don't lobby.

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12 reacties

  1. My hubby too had a "quiet" father's day as we were more busy celebrating our 11th wedding anniversary and having fun on our trip to Korea with the kids. Didn't get him anything as yet as am saving up to get him a bigger birthday present instead.

  2. My hubby never really lobbys for any thing--this year we bought ourselves a new driveway--so he was good with that. I of course still had to buy something--I would HATE to have a special day without ONE gift--So I got him this crazy soccer figure to put in the garden. And the kids made hime items at school as well. Over all the day was spent doing what he wanted--Church & Out for dinner then NOTHING! He was as happy as a pig in mud!

  3. So funny!!! My husband is like a lot of guys in that he never lets me know what he would like and when I guess I don't always get it right. This year I have been so busy that I sort of, kind of, well...forgot! We did have a nice card for him that I made in the middle of the night and thankfully two of my kids made really great presents for him so he was pretty happy! I love visiting your site, you always make me smile!

  4. I had a good laugh with this one!
    My husband, who works abroad, hinted for his favorite perfume. So I'll have to figure it out how he's gonna get that perfume without me having to shell out a fortune on FedEx. 🙂

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