Strike a pose

If you're a blogger you get all kinds of requests. Like people offering you guestposts out of the goodness of their heart. All they ask in return is a small link to their gambling website. It's nothing, really. But last week I got a new kind of offer, asking me if I'ld like to pose...


All is silent. The leaves on the trees are gently moving in the wind, while a breeze whispers promises of sunshine and delight. My grandma's roses silently bow their head, to the buzzing of the bees. There is silence. But then suddenly the silence is shattered by a loud 'BANG!!!'It's the hubster, trying to scare...

Gold Digger

'I had a dream,' my husband told me at breakfast. 'I was walking past a slot machine, and I happened to pull the handle. And I won a million bucks!' The dreamy look in his eyes reminded me of the time he heard there would be another season of Star Trek. Then his eyes fell...