My ten o'clock appointment
Everyday I have a ten o'clock appointment to have a cup of coffee.
With myself.
Presentation is everything
Because I want to let myself know, I really appreciate my company I take great care to make everything looks nice. That's why I don't just grab a big coffee mug.
No, I take a nice tray and then I put my beautiful china cup and saucer on it. I add a small glass which I fill with some nice pieces of pineapple. And I add some Dutch pepernoten. (small cookies).
When that's done, I put on some calming classical music and then I sit myself down in my comfortable kitchen chair.
And then for the next 30 minutes Me, myself and I listen to the music and enjoy my company.
I look forward to my ten o'clock every day!
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This is a great idea!
Thanks for linking up at the #GatheringofFriendsLinkParty 6 Pinned
What a great way to date yourself. #trafficjamweekend