Mean comments
On one of my other blogs, I once got this really mean comment. Someone commented she was sorry for my kids, because they had me for a mom! It really hurt my feelings, even though I didn't know this person.
Luckily I stumbled across this song, and it made me realize: 'There's always an a-hole on the internet' and sometimes she drops by my blog!
What's the most terrible/hurtful comment you ever got?
I've not gotten a mean comment yet, I hope I never do. I am so sensitive, I'd probably get really worked up about it!!
If you want me to, I'll go beat up the mean commenter. I've got a mean right hook 😉
Shake it off, I can tell just from what I've read of your blog that you are a very loving mom!!!
Visit me at Spilled Milkshake
Visiting from voiceBoks!
♥ xoxo
My daddy always said: what you do comes back to you. The mean commentor has it coming 🙂
Haven't yet received a mean comment but I'm sure I will-- I'm new to blogging so I guess they haven't found me yet 🙂
friend from VB
Wow, I can't believe anyone would say something like that! How horribly rude and inconsiderate! It sounds to me like you are a wonderful mom!!
Newest follower from the blog hop!
Come visit me at:
That video is awesome! Sorry some jerk hurt your feelings.
Oh gosh, I'm sorry that happened to you!
Visiting from vB,
That is an awful feeling! So glad you found a positive way to channel your feelings! I am stopping by from the hop at Sweeping Me, congrats on being featured 😉
I'm so sorry! That was totally uncalled for! Just visiting from VoiceBoks 🙂 Why We Love Green at
Thanks for your sweet comments! They take the sting right out off the mean one!
I visited everybody who left a comment!
how horrible! Her kids are unfortunate to have such a mean mom.
Just followed you. Hope u'd like to do the same 🙂