I'm a daddy and I know it
I love funny videos about parenthood. They provide some easy relief! Enjoy this one. I did!
I love funny videos about parenthood. They provide some easy relief! Enjoy this one. I did!
This video really made me smile! Enjoy! Make sure you don't miss any posts on Momfever! Enter your email address: Delivered by FeedBurner
I've always felt that the start of the new school year deserves as much fireworks on Times Square as the new 'regular' year. Both are the start of something new. Right now it's that time of year again: the kids are going back to school! And many a mom gets teary eyed. But not all...
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This song is for all my 542 followers, who fail to follow me. Just listen to Ricky Nelson telling you how it's done! You hear? It's easy!
On one of my other blogs, I once got this really mean comment. Someone commented she was sorry for my kids, because they had me for a mom! It really hurt my feelings, even though I didn't know this person. Luckily I stumbled across this song, and it made me realize: 'There's always an a-hole...
I could be friends with this mom! I really could!
'For the rest of your life there will be só many moments when you feel lonely, but you will never be alóne.' Don't you just love this?!