I got a promotion!
Who says the career path of a stay-at-home-mom is a dead end dirt track?! I stand here before you, a proud women, because I have just reached the status of Santa Clause!
New status!
'Do you know how much I love you mommy?' my youngest son asked. 'Just as much as I love Santa Clause!'
Try to get to that level in the business world! I dare you.
Of course I immediately ordered a Santa suit to go with my new status. I'm gonna look really great.
Future career
And in about ten years I see myself in the position of a God.
How's that for a succesful career path.
This is really funny (and cute)! Congratulations on that big promotion. 🙂 Thanks for sharing at My Flagstaff Home.
How cute! Congrats on being as important as Santa! 🙂 Thanks for sharing on Let's Get Real
This really made me chuckle! I think right now my daughter's list is something like, Rainbow (tv show), the dog, chocolate, me! I've got work to do. 😀
Thanks so much for sharing over at #FridayFrivolity!
Ahahaha so cute and funny! Love it. 🙂
Wow that is some career promotion track you are on. Enjoy it while you are his best friend. Thanks for linking with #pocolo