Vergelijkbare berichten
Have a smile!
Some commercials are little pieces of art! Like this one of Ikea. A hypnotist hypnotises a young couple, making them believe they're in the future. But it's so over the top it's ridiculous, and makes you smile. In one of the scenes the man supposedly believes he has a 4 year old son. The boy...
Sex after kids
This video really made me smile! Enjoy! Make sure you don't miss any posts on Momfever! Enter your email address: Delivered by FeedBurner
House with no doors: a pro feminist song
A little while I ago I posted my very deep analysis of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. And now the time has come for my next analysis. I found this country and western song of George Strait that turns out to be a male perspective on the feminist movement! What's it all about? There's this guy...
I'm a daddy and I know it
I love funny videos about parenthood. They provide some easy relief! Enjoy this one. I did!
Summer Vacation can be hard on moms...
Thanks for the chuckle.
Mine's here.
LOLOLOLOL!!!! Can parents use that on themselves? 😉 I'm so ready for a nap.
Ha-ha...thanks for the laugh. Happy WW>
Bouncing on Words
Life Less Ordinary
From my Points of View