I finally got a curtain rod!
After living in a fish bowl for more than two years, I'm still living in a fish bowl. Thanks to the fact we still haven't got any curtains, our whole life is permanently on display. But at least I've got one curtain rod now!
Rooms with a view
When we moved to the country two years ago, I was so beguiled by the beautiful views I did not want to lose any of it. So I never got curtains. Sure I thóúght about curtains. I thought about what kind of curtains would be best, and where to get them. But somehow I never got any further than thinking about it.
Finally! A curtain rod!
But last week I finally took action. I bought myself a curtain rod. Only one, mind you. I wanted to see how it looked before investing heavily into several more. Besides I wasn't at all sure we would be able to get it on our wall. Unfortunately none of us is very handy.
But my husband managed to get the curtain rod up.
And I really like it. I like that it looks kind of nostalgic and romantic. And I especially like that it only cost me 6 bucks.
Now I have to buy curtains!
Now it's onto the next phase of my masterplan 'How To Get Me Some Curtains'. I have to get curtains!
Because it's Springtime I'm leaning towards white. But I also like curtains with flowers and birds and stuff.
Stay tuned!
I love natural light in the home, so I haven't bought curtains for about 12 years now. I decided to go with plantation blinds that can also be opened up to let light in....that may be an option for you.
Baby steps indeed. Good luck finding a curtain you like. I went crazy last year looking for the perfect navy curtain. Too many options!
lol! That's definitely a step! I think the curtain part gets pretty hard because you want it to be perfect. It will stay for a while, won't it?
Hope you have lots of fun picking out your new curtains. Will you miss the view? (Not like you can't pull back the curtains, but, still. Seems as if that was really special - the openness 🙂
Yay! Good for you. Good luck on picking out a curtain.
It's always so hard to pick out curtains. There are too many options. Happy shopping!!!
LOL - loved the end: "Now I have to buy curtains!" Well, baby steps! 😉