Politically incorrect motherhood
I could be friends with this mom! I really could!
I could be friends with this mom! I really could!
A mom's journey is filled with boobytraps and bad jokes. For example: Do you know the one about the mom who went to the toystore, to get her child the toy said child had whined about for months? When she got home, her kid didn't like it. Hahahaha. And do you know the joke about...
If I were a cake, I would probably look like like this. Plain, not all there, and a bit messy... But an effort was definitely made! Make sure you don't miss any posts on Momfever! Enter your email address: Delivered by FeedBurner
My eldest daughter, Maartje, had been talking about it for months: 'Mommy, when New Moon is released we'll go and see it, won't we?' Flattered that my fourteen year old daughter still wanted to be seen with me at the movies I readily replied: 'Of course we will.' For those few who háven't heard about...
Last week my eldest son turned 18. And I wanted to give him something special. Something he can look at when he's 80 and say: 'This is what my parents gave me when I turned eighteen. Isn't it lovely?' But what do you give to an 18 year old boy who's main interest is computer...
After she has made us contort our bodies in every possible direction, my yoga teacher always whispers some calming words and finishes the lesson by saying solemnly: 'Just bé.' And as I was spending time with my kids, contorting myself in every direction as a mom, trying to do the best I could, I realized...
'You can't outrun the long arm of the law!' Kenny Rogers warned, but how far do the arms, and influence of a mom reach? After lots of struggling and hitting each other with different research results, psychologists finally agree: a child's development is equally determined by parenting, environment and genetics. Yet as a mom I...