Are you scared?

To fan the smouldering embers of our relationship, my husband and I like to pretend we're going to the movies. Of course we don't really go, because that would mean hiring a babysitter, but every Saturday night we stretch out on the couch armed with big bags of chips. Last Saturday we rented Paranormal Activity,...

Feedback Junkie

I'm a feedback junkie. Which is unfortunate, because I'm a mom. Moms don't usually get much feedback, except when things go wrong. Like when you have the audacity to skip doing the laundry for óne day, then the feedback starts pouring in. 'Where are my socks, Mom?! Didn't you do my laundry?!' and 'Honey, I...

Odd habits

Everyone has them: odd habits. Mine is to take a giant leap every time I want to lie me down to sleep. I start out in the hall way, push off in our bedroom, and jump with all my might into our bed. I háve to do this, you understand. Otherwise the monster beneath our...

Murder in the house

Last night happened, what many had feared: our little nest was cruelly murdered! Scully and Mulder suspect an evil squirrel made his way through the kitchen window, and hid in the cupboard till everyone had gone to bed. Then this evil squirrel made his way to the little nest and had himself a dinner party....