Ten Duh-Tips!

I felt like challenging my mind, so I was reading a woman's magazine, and stumbled upon an article about choosing the right bathing suit. And it made me wonder: 'How dumb do they think we are?!' Because they offered this tip: 'Need a new bathing suit? Don't buy a model that is too tight, because...

Sit and chill

I was watching this documentary about a big family, of 12. The dad, who looked extremely relaxed, explained how he kept it all together. I was at the edge of my seat, waiting for the words that would change my life. Finally, I was gonna find out how to stay relaxed amidst chaos, and kids...

Young love

Six hours, that's how long my eldest daughter's very first Relationship lasted. But when her new love felt the need to publish his love for her on Facebook, with some heartfelt lines, she ended it immediately. 'And he even wanted to see me every day!' she explained, looking exasperated. An hour later a message appeared...

Intimate Strangers

The kids were playing house, with some new kids they'd met in the nearby playground. My son told one of the girls in his most masculine voice: 'Well Mother, I'm heading off to work!' And 'Mother' replied tenderly: 'And I'll start cooking!' Then she leaned over and whispered: 'And by the way: 'What's your name?'