where is the love

Where is the love?

A song keeps playing in my head: 'Where is the love?' Indeed, where ís the love?! And is there enough love going around? Where is the love? Sometimes I'm so busy living, keeping the kids from killing themselves and each other, I forget about the love. It's hard to feel the love when they walk...


This year the worst thing I could ever imagine happened. I lost one of my children. Although I don't want to say 'lost'. I would like to think she's still around. Just in a different way. Like in this poem by Henry Scott-Holland: I am but in the other room 'Death is nothing at all. ...

Being a mom means...

 ... having lots of energy cords. I've been reading the book Energy Strands written by Denise Linn. It got me thinking, and then inspired me to make this picture. I feel live I'm always connected by invisible strands with my children. Even when they're not around. Or may, sometimes especially when they're not around.