You really turn me on
Even though he no longer walks this earth, Michael Jackson lives on through his music. And unfortunately my kids have discovered his music. Being a Country and Western song kind of gal myself, I find this hard on the ears.
Hmhm, you really turn me on, hmhm
Unfortunately Michael's songs are quite catchy, and now I find myself humming: 'You really turn me on,' whatever I'm doing and wherever I'm going. Any moment now, I may start grabbing myself in the crotch the way Michael used to do.
Honey, you don't understand!
I'm worried, because my husband has gotten this gleam in his eye, and I just know he got the wrong idea.
How do I turn this awful song off in my head?!
I'll tell you how to get that one out of your head if you can get Thriller out of mine. Deal?
Sarah @
enjoyed your blog so much have become a follower Ihavnt got time to read all your posts but those I did read brought a smile to my face thank you