Vergelijkbare berichten
Bird watching
I like having birds in our garden. The more the merrier. In a quest to entice more birds to come and visit our garden, my husband and I hung bird food. Then we sat back and waited for the birds to show. But the thing is, waiting can be kind of boring. So after a...
How to rekindle your love life
I've been reading Tolstoy and the Purple Chair: My Year of Magical Readingby Nina Sankovitch, and I was struck by something she said about rekindling your sex life. Especially in the light of the recent hype surrounding the softporn book 'Fifty Shades of Grey. Nina advises to have a glass of wine, read a good...
The puzzling effect: 10 reasons I like going puzzles despite myself
Even though deep in my heart I think doing puzzles is useless, because after all, what's the point?!! You take an image, you break it apart, and then you put it together again. And all for what?! The unbearable pointlessness of doing puzzles There's no point. Nevertheless, have I started doing puzzles. Because even...
I'll show you mine, if you'll show me yours
Yesterday I put up our Chrismas tree, and decorated it with my youngest son en daughter. The other three were too busy doing other stuff. How do you like our tree?! Artificial Christmas tree for peace on earth, and peace of my mind! When the kids were smaller we invested in an artificial Christmas tree,...
Gotcha!!! Prank gone wrong.
Suddenly I felt this rush of youthful playfulnes which made me decide to 'surprise' my eldest son Jan. Silently I made my way to his room... Barefoot I made my way to his room, finding the door mercifully open, and silently slid inside. Jan was engrossed in killing off some kind of unpleasant demon on...
Amor and Psyche: reenacted!
My youngest daughter had to do a special assignment for school. She had to re enact the image of Amor and Psyche. And it came out beautifully! The original The reenactment My son helped them with the wings, by photoshopping them in later. The girls had made real wings, but they were too big to...
It truly is amazing the difference a good bra makes!
Great cartoon!
I know all about the good bra I have a few that work wonders. Who knows why I even own the crap ones still.