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Modern day reading
I used to greatly prefer réál books to eBooks.But then I discovered the perks of eBooks, and now I find myself using my eReader all the time. However, unlike paper books, eReaders have needs. They run on batteries. Modern day reading One day, while I was out in our garden basking in the sunshine, while...
5 Household Maintenance Tasks to Keep On Top of this Summer
It's one of those things I dread the most: my washing machine breaking down. Because with five teenagers in the house, there's always a lot of laundry waiting to get done. And if I so much as slack off for óne day, that laundry immediately will start to grow, and grow and grow. Until it...
My personal art collection: Early Primitives
How do you like my art collection? It's called Early Primitives. Also know as My Children.
Happy Stones for dummies
After seeing pictures of happy stones on other blogs I got all inspired! I decided I would create some happy stones of my own, even though I have a terrible track record when it comes to arts and crafts. Happy Stones for dummies Nevertheless, I didn't do all that terrible. I used some online examples...
Free libray in a tree!
In the Dutch town Ruurlo you can find a tree. Not just any tree, but a tree with books in it. You can borrow these books, as long as you bring them back again. The tree is a free library. You can find it at the corner of de Batsdijk and de Vortsterkampweg in Ruurlo Netherlands. You can...
Bird watching
I like having birds in our garden. The more the merrier. In a quest to entice more birds to come and visit our garden, my husband and I hung bird food. Then we sat back and waited for the birds to show. But the thing is, waiting can be kind of boring. So after a...