Vergelijkbare berichten
Know your numbers: cholesterol 7.9
'Know your numbers!' isn't that what they say? So I decided to get to know my cholesterol number. But now that we're acquainted, I can honestly say I don't like it very much. This is one test I would rather have a low score on. But I got a whopping 7.9. It seems that when...
Has anyone seen our cat?
For years my kids nagged me for a pet. And I never wavered! I always told them: 'No.' I just didn't want the hassle of a pet. Not after fínally having managed to raise my kids to the level I could safely take my eyes off of them without them getting into trouble. But then...
What planner should I buy for 2019
I want something else after 5 years of Moleskines I love notebooks and planners. For the last 5 years I've been using a Moleskine planner. I use the Extra Large version, which is slightly smaller than A4. I need the space. What I love about the Moleskine planner XL What I like about the Moleskine...
A matter of perspective
Tomorrow my fourteen year old daughter will be heading for the German city of Trier for a school field trip. Even though it's a supposed to be a cultural trip, they'll also be climbing trees or something. Because you know, that's Fun. We even had to sign a scary paper giving our daughter permission to...
We were having dinner, and I was bored senseless waiting for my seventeen year old daughter to finally clear her plate. But what's a parent to do?! You're supposed to teach your kids to stay at the table until everybody's finished, so I was held hostage by my own parenting etiquette. This meant I was...
Mouse in the house: signs you may have unwelcome visitors...
My husband likes to make sure we have lots of toilet paper available. Even before Covid 19 he was always worried we would run out. So he buys our toilet paper in bulk, and then throws it down the stairs of our cellar. There it lies waiting, until someone runs out of toilet paper, and...