I am a tiger mom, hear me roar!

Tiger mom

After reading Amy Chua's book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother and Spoiled: Fresh Ideas For Parenting Your Entitled Child  I felt all inspired! For days I skulked around the house looking for an opportunity to release my inner Tiger mom and do some serious parenting.

A chance to do some tiger parenting!

This morning finally an opportunity presented itself! I was at the shoestore to get my youngest son some new shoes for Summer. As soon as we walked in I saw a pair of sensible, brown Birkenstocks. And to make my cup réally runneth over, they were on sale! So I helped him try them on, and they fitted just fine.

Check! Check!

'I like those shoes with the flickering lights much better mommy,' my son said, looking longingly at a pair of shoes that wore a price tag of 99 bucks.
'Well that's a shame, because you're getting these brown ones,' I told him, keeping my voice authoritively low and firm. And in my mind I joyfully checked:

  • Be the parent, not your kid's friend
  • Be clear
  • Set boundaries
  • Acknowledge your kid's feelings but let there be no doubt about who's in charge

Sabotaged by the store clerk

But I hadn't counted on the store clerk who apparently overheard my last words. She gave my son a look filled with pity, and kneeled in front of him. Then she took his hands into hers and asked him in gentle tones: 'Which shoes would yóú like honey?'

Suddenly I didn't feel like a succesfull tiger mom anymore.

I felt like a very mean pussy cat.

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4 reacties

  1. I would have given that sales person a piece of my mind starting with ma'am my child my money now if you want to pay for those other shoes he wants then have at it. These kids grow out of shoes too fast I normally go to stores where I can buy one and get one half off paying 60 bucks for 2 pairs of shoes for each of my kids. Stopping over from SITS

  2. No, to me you are a good mom. It's the salesperson I would say other words about.... She should realize that we can't all afford 100 dollar shoes that will just be outgrown, or maybe we have other priorities in our life and want to teach our kids that -- that we don't NEED 100 dollar shoes to feel good about ourselves.

    Stopping in from SITS

  3. Oh, no she didn't! She had no right to interfere in that moment. You were doing exactly what you should have done and you're going to end up with a more well-adjusted child for your efforts. Hang in there, tiger Mom! Thanks for sharing at the Weekend Blog Hop at My Flagstaff Home! --Jennifer

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