How to make your own doorhanger
Finally, I have my own office! But unfortunately it has a door!
And that door is used by my kids, to drop in all the time. And then they ask me questions like: 'What's for dinner?' or 'Where are my socks?'
Sure, I'm the mom, and I usually have the answers, but sometimes I need some peace and quiet to work!
So I put on my thinking cap to come up with a solution. And I found it: a doorhanger! I'll hang it on the door knob when I don't wanna be disturbed. And since I'm on a budget, I'll make my own.
Create your own door hanger
You can buy door hangers, but it's cheaper to make one yourself. Using Google I managed to find a blank door hanger, which I then pimped to suit me. You can see the result on the left.
How to make your own doorhanger?
- Print this blank picture of a doorhanger by clicking on 'print'.
- Write your own message on it.
- To make it kidproof laminate it.
Slightly more advance method
- Upload the image of the blank doorhanger to
- Add text, and images you like.
- Print the thing!
Do you have an office, or your own personal space in your home?
LOL the things we do out of necessity. I can already see that I'll need one once my boy knows what it means. Cool brilliant idea
This is a REALLY great idea! I'm actually about to create a few "mommy look at me now" cards. Maybe I'll give my kiddo 6 each day, so those are the only times I will actually drop everything I'm doing should he call me.
You know that 90% of the time, kids just say the most trivial things 🙂
Ha! This is so funny. If you could invent some form hermetically sealed forcefield you'd be rich. Sometime I'm desperate for just 5 quite minutes!
That is a pretty neat idea. I will def keep this on file for when I need it.
This is fantastic! Unfortunately, my office doesn't have a door, it's! LOL
I love this! I need one the says, "Give me FIVE minutes, it's critical".
I have an office but it has french doors that don't lock. I have tried about 20 different ways of keeping this thing shut and my 17 month old can open them all. He can't read yet but I will be using this when he is older.
Sounds like your 17 month year old is very inventive! I hope a doorhanger will be able to stop him!
Sounds like a good one! Hopefully your kids will actually read it.
Oh, I love being included! Thanks for tagging me.
Aargh! That's even worse than having a door! Perhaps an iron curtain?
You sound so organized! I bet you have your own office with a door that locks!
Hi Kenny, that is a great idea! I wonder if Captain Picard knows where I can get one?!
I'm curious about your cards! Please let me know when I can admire them!
Thanks!!! I love positive, glowing feedback. I'm glowing myself now.