Don't rock the boat hubby!

opposite directions

I like to think of our family as a little ship! Everyone has their own place on the ship, and together we sail through life.

But then Summer Vacation comes along, shaking things up. The kids have to adjust to the endless free time, and I have to adjust to having absolutely no peace! I can't even visit the toilet all by my lonesome.

Who's captain?

But it's not until my husband takes hís vacation, and is home all the time, that things get really dire. Because than we start fighing each other for the right to be the Captain of our boat. Each of us thinking we're ít!

So this one is for my husband!

Source image: Depositphotos

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5 reacties

  1. OMG this is so true for my house, too. Hubs goes on vacation next week and I'm coming up with ways to keep him busy. (Golf, anyone?) Haha!

    Following you from the Totally Tuesday Blog Hop! I hope you'll follow back. Stop by and say hi!


  2. That is so true! My husband know that even if he is off of work he has to stay out of the house for X amount of hours each day. This is my domain and he messes up the routines. I like it best when he stays out of the house and he takes the kids with him.

    Popping in from Design It Chic

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