Why? Because.

I was sitting at the therapist's office with my eldest son. He was diagnosed with PDD-NOS when he was eleven, and when he hit puberty he had some trouble remembering the meaning of life. Of course I tóld him what the meaning of life was, but he wasn't impressed. So I took him so see...

Bird Watching

Deep down I've always known: I should have been the mom of one of those nature children. You know, the kind that plays outside all day? The fact that my kids are glued to their WII, Computer and Nintendo's, is obviously the result of too much city living. So now that we live in the...

Parenting 101

When your child goes on a school field trip, or heads of to camp, it is very important to hide your motherly doubts and fears in a place deep inside of you, so as not to bother your kid with yóúr bagage. Fail The mom in picture 1A has not understood this important principle. She...

8 Fun Things to do with your kids when all you wanna do is sleep

• Play Beauty parlor, with you as the client. Be sure to remove all permanent markers first! • Play hairsalon, with you as the client. Remove all scissors that still work! • Play Tattoo parlor, with you as the client. You had already removed all permanent markers. Right?! • Let your kids read to yóú,...

Mom Alert!

Sounds that require immediate action on your part: The scraping sound of a kitchen chair, pushed across the kitchen floor. The rustling sound of candy, secretively being unwrapped. A door that is closed ever so gently. But above all, these words: 'Mom, I'm not doing anything!' So if you'll excuse me!

Universal Answers

As a mom of five kids, who like to talk to me all at the same time, I'm very fond of Universal Answers. That way they all feel like I've given them the time of day, and no one feels neglected. Take for example the universal: 'Uh-huh'. But 'Hmhm' also deserves a mention! The more...