Vergelijkbare berichten
New dog!
After about 3 years of deliberations, doubts and worries I finally decided to take the plunge: We got ourselves a dog! Meet Trixie! Her name is Trixie, she's six years old, and her mom was a Shih Tzu. Her Father is unknown. Trixie has been a member of our family now for about four weeks,...
Pumpkin make-over!
My youngest daughter is much handier than me, her mother. Which is why I'm always very impressed by her creative prowess! Look how she gave a plain pumpkin a beautiful face! I love it! All it took her was a knive, a spoon and some time. Pumpkin make-over Isn't it lovely? Make sure you don't...
I forgot my opinion
My sixteen year old son was getting ready for school and his presentation about Addiction and Environmental issues. So I wished him good luck, and started to climb the mountain that is our laundry. I forgot my opinions! Like the seven dwarfs, I like to sing while working. But just as I was trying to...
New shower curtain: what a difference a shower curtain makes
My new shower curtain When we moved from the city to the country, we lost the luxury of a bath tub. Our current bathroom is too small for a bath tub. I'm quite alright with that, but my husband sometimes still misses taking a long, and luxurious bath. Anyway, our bathroom is not much to...
Pear tree
Our pear tree: still going strong When I grew up we had this pear tree. My granny used to peel them for me. They tasted of Summer and my granny's love. About three years ago we moved into my granny's old house. The pear tree is still going strong, offering us her fruits! In fact...
Netflix versus Amazon Prime
I've had a Netflix subscription for about 5 years now. I still think the whole concept of Netflix is a great invention. But after 5 years I was like this woman who's looking into her full closet thinking: 'There's nothing I want in there.' That was me and Netflix. Let's give Amazon Prime a try...
That is a nice little library. Very cool.
Thanks for sharing at My Big Fat Menopausal Life's Share the Wealth party. Hope you join in on all the parties!