I'm in a hurry

'I'm in a hurry to get things done, I rush and rush until life's no one.

All I gotta do is live and die, but I'm in a hurry and don't know why.'

This song keeps playing in my head. Because I feel rushed all the time. And just like Alabama 'I don't know why'.

It's not like the dirty laundry will get impatient and leave our house in a huff if I don't do it today. And no one is going to take my dinner away from me, if it takes me longer than 60 seconds to clear my plate.

I've considered tying myself to a chair, so I would háve to sit quietly for a while. But of course we didn't have any rope. So I wanted to rush to the store to get me some, but tripped over the cat.

That worked too.

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26 reacties

  1. I always have something to do, kinda like how I'm suppose to be sleeping now at 3am, here I am, leaving comments on my SITS group ladies' blogs.. yea.. I've lost out on 3 hours of sleep already.. I'll regret it in the morning..

  2. By prioritizing and limiting my to do list. So many unplanned things happen, so I try not to over schedule. Life goes by so fast and if I am too rushed, I feel like I am missing out on the lovely little moments that are there each day.

  3. LOL tripping over the cat to go buy rope 😉 I know all to well about being in a hurry. Not sure why we are mums are all so frantic. Hope the cat allowed you to stop and sit for awhile. Coming from SITS Comment Love Tribes.

  4. Oh my gosh I JUST said a similar thing in my blog post yesterday! I can be SO lazy, but at the same time, I have such a hard time just sitting still and just "being in the moment". I'm constantly thinking of what I want/need to do next...it never ends.

  5. Now I definitely have that song in my head! I was just thinking about this - I'm not sure why I feel rushed sometimes. For the most part, I set my own schedule and days (praise the Lord!) so I need to be more relaxed. Thanks for the reminder - and the great song! 🙂

  6. I've had days like this. Right now I have the "Everything is Awesome" song from the LEGO movie going thru my head. It's catchy and I can't stop humming and signing bits and pieces. You mentioned laundry walking out the door. OMG, that would be awesome. It can find someone out there that wants to do it and then come back all clean and refreshed... I guess everything is awesome... Sorry, had to go there. 🙂

  7. I love that Alabama song. It reminds me of riding in the car with my mother. She loved Alabama, I thinks we probably wore out the cassette tape!

    I don't know why I'm always in a rush either. I need to remember to take life slower, there are very few things in life that will implode if I'm a few minutes late!

  8. I'm having one of those days where I don't know if I'm coming or going, so this really gave me a smile!

    Found your blog through the SITS comment love challenge! I can see by your recent posts list that I have some new "Must Reads" on my list!

  9. I am constantly in a hurry myself... I don't know why either...but as I watch my itty bitty baby turn into a rumbustious little toddler... I realize I have to let it all soak in a bit..and not let time pass us by. Great to see your blog! Yeay for the sits girls for allowing me to make a new bloggy friend!

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