Vergelijkbare berichten
Ten Duh-Tips!
I felt like challenging my mind, so I was reading a woman's magazine, and stumbled upon an article about choosing the right bathing suit. And it made me wonder: 'How dumb do they think we are?!' Because they offered this tip: 'Need a new bathing suit? Don't buy a model that is too tight, because...
Failing to plan, is planning to fail
Failing to plan, is planning to fail, the saying goes. But how about just planning to fail? Planning for failure My youngest son has to do a book report this year, and unlike his two older brothers he's already carefully planning for it. 'I chose Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, mommy,' he smiled....
Bicycle bags
I love bicycle bags! I need them to get all my libary books back to the library. I also use them for grocery shopping. Bicycle bags are a great way to transport stuff, without having to carry it. As you can see in the picture I also have a bicycle basket. But you can't leave...
Effective Parenting 102
'We're going for a nice, family walk!' I told the kids. And I felt a bit sweaty while delivering my message. Because I know my kids... 'It will be great fun!!!' I added against my better judgement. But sure enough, the kids started a revolt, saying they didn't want to go. 'If you're not coming,...
Snow angel in april 2022
Wat is really only a week ago that I slathered my arms with sunscreen to protect myself from the sun? It's seven days later and temperatures have dropped dramatically.
Living with the seasons is important
Even though I think it's important to live with the seasons, I've been having my coffee and cake inside the house since Spring. I didn't feel like going outside, because I thought there would be too many distractions. Like pesky flies. Living with the seasons is important But this morning I suddenly thought: 'What a...