Vergelijkbare berichten
My personal art collection: Early Primitives
How do you like my art collection? It's called Early Primitives. Also know as My Children.
The hunt for Moms is now open!
June 2012 School Newsletter Dear colleagues, Summer Vacation is almost upon us, and so the time has come for our annual Mom Hunt! In the final weeks leading up to the long Summer break, lots of special activities will be organized, to ensure a chaotic end to the school year. And of course these will...
Hidden messages in innocent child games
In a local thrift shop I found an old fashioned card game. I fell in love with the pretty picures and the price. It only cost $1! But as I was admiring the drawings something struck me: the images were very stereotypical about what women and men should do! The woman serves. The man eats....
6 reasons why I love my ebike
I finally gave in, and bought an ebike. Even though there's nothing wrong with my regular bike. It rides just fine. But the ebike makes it so easy! Here's 6 reasons why I love my ebike 6 reasons why I love my ebike Like I said: it makes biking easy! It's like I always have...
He lit up my morning, without a light
On my Friday runs I always encounter this wooden construction that reminds me of a telephone or something. But this Friday something was different about it. There was something inside! A cute little man A colorful male figurine was inside. On further inspection I could lift him up, and saw that you can place...
Which bird is keeping me awake at night?
Which bird it this? If it's not my snoring husband, it's a bird keeping me awake at night! But which bird is it?!