Even though we're all doing our best, life in times of Covid 19 isn't always easy.
I don't know about you, but sometimes I feel quite stressed.
One of the ways I try to take care of myself is by taking the time to read books about... taking care of yourself!
The Power of Vital Force Rajshree Patel
For the last couple of weeks I've been reading The Power of Vital Force by Rajshree Patel. I love her message. Rajshree says life doesn't have to be so hard, and that you already have everything it takes. So there's no need to struggle. You just have to realize this.
Simple practice: you can do this easily!
One of the things you can do, if you're feeling stressed out or overwhelmed, is simply watch water flowing! Rajshree Patel writes:
“You may notice initially that the mind is running its commentaries or getting distracted by lots of thoughts. Just allow the thoughts to come and go. In time, the mind will begin to follow the flow of the water, and the thoughts, emotions, and mental activity will start to drain out.”
Excerpt From: Rajshree Patel. “The Power of Vital Force.” iBooks.
I decided to give it a go
So I decided to give it a go. After all, it didn't sound all that difficult. Stare at some water? That I can do. Also, there's a brook nearby our house so I didn't have to go far to try this.
And I have to say, I do think it helped to calm my mind. Just sitting there, watching the water flow by. At the very least if offered me a moment to myself.
Look, this is where I sat and what I watched:
Summing up
If you're having a hard time, or when life is kicking your ass, I can highly recommend the book The Power of Vital force by Rajshree Patel.
Or at the very least staring at some water to calm the mind : )
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