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The Thinker (Jan (15) - 2011
DoorNicole Orriens
Wordless Wednesday
Who needs Rudolph! + Linky
DoorNicole Orriens
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Motionless and Linky!
DoorNicole Orriens
I was panting along during my daily morning run when suddenly I saw it: this Autumn leave. But it wasn't lying on the ground or falling. It was just hanging there. In the sky. Motionless. It took my breath away it was so beautiful and special. It was literally hanging in there. An InLinkz Link-up...
Finally! Some help!
DoorNicole Orriens
Wordless Wednesday Make sure you don't miss any posts on Momfever! Enter your email address: Delivered by FeedBurner
Hooray, I've got me one of them Free Range Kids!
DoorNicole Orriens
Wordless Wednesday
Dare to be different
DoorNicole Orriens
Wordless Wednesday
one of those are for me right? hehe 🙂
Ahh, yummy. Those are in that box to ship to me right?
And Easter is on its way!
That got me drooling! Can you toss one over here? Haha
The Modern Mom