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Parenting pictures: the truth + Linky!
Photography: Danielle Guenther Wanna see all of Danielle's brilliant pictures about parenting? Click here! An InLinkz Link-up Make sure you don't miss any posts on Momfever! Enter your email address: Delivered by FeedBurner
Hogwarts honor student + Linky
My eldest daughter is a big Harry Potter fan! So when she saw this car sticker saying she's a Hogwarts honor student she couldn't resist! So now she drives around like a Hogwarts honor student. An InLinkz Link-up Make sure you don't miss any posts on Momfever! Enter your email address: Delivered by FeedBurner
Somethin' to tide me over till the Easter Bunny arrives!
Wordless Wednesday
When we have kids + Linky
This rather smug couple tells you how they're going to do things. And you see how it worked out. Must-see video! An InLinkz Link-up Make sure you don't miss any posts on Momfever! Enter your email address: Delivered by FeedBurner
Call me, if you need me + Linky
I'm definitely not a fan of talking on the phone. But this phone almost makes me want to make a phone call! An InLinkz Link-up
Oh my gosh! Too funny! TFS
that reminds me of an AFV show where the kids took the wii controllers outside and played through the window!!! LOL
Stopping in with vB
You can't beat wonderful fresh air, lol
Too Funny!
Nice. LOL
LOL, my son would totally do this, too, if he could! (He's 14) Thankfully he's gotten into playing basketball lately! Whew! Now for my girls.....
Goodness this is so funny! I wonder if my son will turn into one and this will be my reality! *scared* #ww
As well you should be ; )
Finally I have him outside, and he's stíll behind a screen!
LOL... He really is, next time you should be more specific "No Electronics"
Have a great day!
Your photo made me snort my tea all over my screen!
Brilliant. Thanks for the giggle ;D
Waving this morning from a misty Bonnie Scotland