Vergelijkbare berichten
How do you like the horse head in my kitchen?!
I stumbled upon this great horse's head in a local shop. It only cost 5 USD! A real bargain. I know the kitchen is probably not a place where you'ld expect to find a horse's head hanging on the wall, but I don't care. I love it! Make sure you don't miss any posts on...
Is our cat Dean pregnant?
When we got our cat, who we named him Dean after the male character in Supernatural. We were told it was a male kitten. But the last few months he got fatter, and fatter. And now we're kind of worried. Could he be she? What do you think? Make sure you don't miss any posts...
Childhood books and how to get your kids to read
I'm a reader! I always have been. My childhood favorite: The Famous Five Ever since I was a child I have loved books. During one summer vacation I read all the books from Enid Blython's Famous Five series. I loved their adventures ánd their dog Timmy. Nót helicopter parents Although, now that I'm a mom,...
Does the weather affect your plans?
Whenever the sun makes a surprise appearance, I almost feel obligated to drop whatever I'm doing, run outside and go and sit in the sun. So the weather kind of dictates my plans. Much like my kids…. Does the weather affect your calender?
The perks of riding a bike: it's like riding a bike.
The Dutch are known for their love of bikes. They don't just ride a bike for sports! It's a form of transportation. One that's very much ingrained in the Dutch culture. Grown-ups ride their bike to work, and children ride their bike to school. Usually without any protection or helmet! Bike helmets are considered as wimpy...
New, cute smartphone cover for my Huawei!
Yeah alright, it's not important in the grand scheme of things but I'm so happy with my new, cute smartphone cover! I love it. Just looking at it makes me happy : ) Smartphone bookcase for Huawei Honor 8x And it's also very handy! I can put my bank and library card in there! This...
you look lovely, just like a pretty flower.
Lovely, Nicole! I'm always on the lookout for what to wear when it's hot. #HearthAndSoul PS I like to receive visitors in the kitchen too.
You look lovely, I'm currently wearing a similar top, although I've teamed mine with a fleece as I'm trying to keep warm. Thanks for linking with #pocolo
You look like a pretty flower
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