Merry Christmas 2020 - Let your love shine a light
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Wishing you a merry Christmas.
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My youngest daughter had to do a special assignment for school. She had to re enact the image of Amor and Psyche. And it came out beautifully! The original The reenactment My son helped them with the wings, by photoshopping them in later. The girls had made real wings, but they were too big to...
I find reading books during Summer easier than during Winter! The reason that reading Summer is easier, is because I can do it outside. For some reason that helps me to find enough peace inside myself to just sit down for a while and read a book. I think it's because in my mind, sitting...
In the town of Doetinchem on Christmas Eve, a mouse also known as The Rat, was killed. Mouse in the house: also known as The Rat The Rat had taken up residence in a family home of seven. The husband and wife resisted his reign of terror and made several attempts on his life, but...
With four older siblings I could see my youngest son struggling to find his niche. My eldest daughter's niche is easy: her niche is simply Being The Eldest. Then comes my son Jan, who's a bit different because he's got a diagnosis of PDD-NOS. So that's his niche taken care off. After that comes my...
When it comes to clothes I like mine comfortable. But I also wanna look like I kind of made an effort. So I always wear jersey skirts with elastic waistbands and cotton t-shirts that are nice, soft and simple. I don't like embellishments or words on my shirts. I fell in love with the wrong...
A song keeps playing in my head: 'Where's the love?' Indeed, where ís the love?! And is there enough of it going around? So busy with living Sometimes I'm so busy living, keeping the kids from killing themselves and each other, I forget about the love. It's hard to feel the love when they walk...