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DoorNicole Orriens
... what does not belong in this picture? Wordless Wednesday
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DoorNicole Orriens
Wordless Wednesday
Hogwarts honor student + Linky
DoorNicole Orriens
My eldest daughter is a big Harry Potter fan! So when she saw this car sticker saying she's a Hogwarts honor student she couldn't resist! So now she drives around like a Hogwarts honor student. An InLinkz Link-up Make sure you don't miss any posts on Momfever! Enter your email address: Delivered by FeedBurner
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DoorNicole Orriens
Wordless Wednesday
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DoorNicole Orriens
Wordless Wednesday
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DoorNicole Orriens
Wordless Wednesday
The skateboards these days are like Rolls Royce compared to the ones we had has kids with old school metal rollerskating wheels. the cost difference is probably comparable too LOL
LOL! 😀 Great shot!
Lol! That's cool. 🙂
lol i wouldnt even attempt it, im so clumsy !!
cool action shot 😉
Tina from
Gossip Avenue
Travel Shack
Mummy Diaries
Game FreakZ
I used to love skateboarding! Way to go!
LOL brilliant achievement 🙂
Have a wobbletastic week 🙂
LOL, such a fun shot! 🙂
Happy Wordless Wednesday!
Looks like a lot of fun.
I think I would fall off, even if I were holding on.
I would not so much balance!!!
The trick is to lean into the wall! That's what I did!
I would fall off too. Not a graceful bone in this old body!
Yup. Colour me impressed.
Good on you! I would sooo not attempt that...clumsy girl here!
That's about as much as I would be able to do. Stand on it. Happy Wordless Wednesday!
When I was a teen I was a skateboarding fool... Now, however, it would involve an ambulance and at least one broken bone if not more. lol
Would love for you to stop by our linky Party Under the Big Top as well! 😉 Wishing you a fabulous week and a very Happy Easter!
Much love,
Lysa xx
Welcome to My Circus
I would love to try that type of skateboard, although I think I would use some crouches to help with stability. LOL 🙂
Happy Wordless Wednesday!
And keep Hopping!
Yeah, it's a wáve board. You have to wave your way through the streets. Or just stand against a wall.
I wonder if it's like riding a bike Lysa. Maybe if you tried it, you'ld be great at it!
Happy Wednesday and thank you for hosting this great link up! Have a Happy Easter!
I'd love for you to please come share and link up with me now {if you haven't already...} at
and everyone your great posts!!
xx Ashleigh @SimplyWright
I've never had good balance on skateboards. I'd probably fall and break something. Thank you for joining us at the Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday! I look forward to seeing you again next week!
Jingle Jangle Jungle
Thank you for the party. I always enjoy your clever photos! 🙂
If that was me, my butt would be on the floor!
LOL! Great picture. Both my kids have boards, my son does all kinds of tricks on his, and jumps, scares me to death. I break bones while stretching on the couch, true story! LOL! I don't think we need to put me on a board! Have a great week!
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Kids can do scary stuff! Sometimes it's best not to look!
Thank you Joy. That's nice to hear!