Get out of jail free card
It's probably one of the most popular cards of Monopoly, the Get out of jail free card. It allows you a free pass should you end up in Monopoly jail.
But the Get out of jail free card also has another meaning. And that's the one I love.
Get out of free jail card in everyday life
The meaning of the Get out of jail free card is very well described on
'A get out of jail free card is a metaphorical way to refer to anything that will get someone out of an undesirable situation or allow them to avoid punishment.'
Let's say you have to go to party, but you're an introvert and you're really dreading it. You struggle with yourself: you feel you should go, even though you réálly, really don't want to. In the end you decide to make a break for it, and you call the friend who's hosting the party and explain how you feel. And then she goes:
'Oh, that's totally fine! I understand. Parties are just not for you. We'll get together another time.'
Now, that's my favorite Get out of jail free card!
What's your favorite Get out of jail free card?
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