5 Things my cats taught me

cat life lessons
I've never been much of a pet person. I was one of those cruel moms who denied their kids the joy of having a pet. But after we moved to the country and a house with a kitchen that had a door you could actually clóse, I suddenly felt room in both my heart and home, to fulfill the kids' wish. So now we have two little kittens, who are brothers. And I'm amazed at how much I love having them around. In fact after observing them for four months now, I feel I can learn an awful lot from them. So I made a list of things my cats taught me.

5 Lessons my cats taught me

  1. The importance of personal grooming. It's okay to take lots of time to groom yourself!
  2. Amusing oneself with nothing: the cats can play for hours on end with just a little twig, or a fly. Sometimes they don't even have that, and still they lurk around pretending to be a dangerous animal on the prowl. You don't really need anything to have a good time.
  3. It is okay to just lie around, alternating sleep with just sitting there contemplating life.
  4. Do as you please. If you don't wanna do something just pretend you didn't hear. (This one comes in very handy in my life as a mom.)
  5. People will still like you, after you ignored them, and did as you damned well please.

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13 reacties

  1. My Mum is a cat person - perhaps too much of a cat person. It's kinda annoying whenever she takes stray cats into our home, but I guess that just shows how loving and doting she is. 😉

  2. I too was never a cat person until my step-daughter snuck one into the house many, many years ago, and now I'm hooked. I always say if I come back to life I want to be a cat. All they do is eat, sleep, stare out the window, and chase pieces of string. Not a bad life!!!

    PS - saw you through Voice Boks

  3. My older kids had a dog for 14 years. When she died, it was so heartbreaking. I now have an almost 2 year old who loves dogs and cats. I won't get one, because I can't do the hearbreak again. Guess I'm one of those cruel moms!

  4. I've always been a cat person, but my son wanted a dog. So, we got him the most adorable poodle-jack russell mix. She loves me. She loves me. She loves ME! Yep, she's supposed to be his, but I am the alpha to end all alphas in her world... and well, too bad for him! 🙂

  5. I am so not a pet person either, but since I've been married we've always had a boat load of animals running around and I've learned from my cat that if I depended on him for my self esteem, I'd'a hung myself months ago 🙂

  6. I love cats, but my husband is horribly allergic...or so he says! Lol! So when we move, we'll become a dog family. But, I've had cats before and I love your lessons learned. So true!!

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