5 Things my cats taught me
I've never been much of a pet person. I was one of those cruel moms who denied their kids the joy of having a pet. But after we moved to the country and a house with a kitchen that had a door you could actually clóse, I suddenly felt room in both my heart and home, to fulfill the kids' wish. So now we have two little kittens, who are brothers. And I'm amazed at how much I love having them around. In fact after observing them for four months now, I feel I can learn an awful lot from them. So I made a list of things my cats taught me.
5 Lessons my cats taught me
- The importance of personal grooming. It's okay to take lots of time to groom yourself!
- Amusing oneself with nothing: the cats can play for hours on end with just a little twig, or a fly. Sometimes they don't even have that, and still they lurk around pretending to be a dangerous animal on the prowl. You don't really need anything to have a good time.
- It is okay to just lie around, alternating sleep with just sitting there contemplating life.
- Do as you please. If you don't wanna do something just pretend you didn't hear. (This one comes in very handy in my life as a mom.)
- People will still like you, after you ignored them, and did as you damned well please.
Hear hear for #1! I don't get it why we get made fun of when we take a long time grooming ourselves. It's probably just because some people can take 5 minutes, while others, like me, will take about 30-45 minutes to get ready!
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My Mum is a cat person - perhaps too much of a cat person. It's kinda annoying whenever she takes stray cats into our home, but I guess that just shows how loving and doting she is. 😉
I love cats, dont have one anymore, but they are wonderful animals, they take care of them self that is what I like best
I too was never a cat person until my step-daughter snuck one into the house many, many years ago, and now I'm hooked. I always say if I come back to life I want to be a cat. All they do is eat, sleep, stare out the window, and chase pieces of string. Not a bad life!!!
PS - saw you through Voice Boks
My older kids had a dog for 14 years. When she died, it was so heartbreaking. I now have an almost 2 year old who loves dogs and cats. I won't get one, because I can't do the hearbreak again. Guess I'm one of those cruel moms!
I'm a total cat person as well. And yes, the life of a cat is definitely one to be envied!
I've always been a cat person, but my son wanted a dog. So, we got him the most adorable poodle-jack russell mix. She loves me. She loves me. She loves ME! Yep, she's supposed to be his, but I am the alpha to end all alphas in her world... and well, too bad for him! 🙂
Our cats are hysterical to watch. I love it when they chase each other around the house, it's better than TV!
I am so not a pet person either, but since I've been married we've always had a boat load of animals running around and I've learned from my cat that if I depended on him for my self esteem, I'd'a hung myself months ago 🙂
I love cats, but my husband is horribly allergic...or so he says! Lol! So when we move, we'll become a dog family. But, I've had cats before and I love your lessons learned. So true!!
HAHAH A I love this. Especially the sleeping and sitting around! They do live the perfect life.
Glad you decided to adopt two kitties. I can't imagine my life without cats in it.
I love this! We can learn a lot from our pets. 🙂 I'll be featuring your post tomorrow at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party.