The Garbage Bag Solution!

Nowadays I like to buy my garbage bags in a pretty pink color, with a drawstring and a nice smell. They make me feel like a good little housewfie.

Sómeone forgot to replace the garbage bag!

Whenever I take out the trash, I make sure I immediately put in a new garbage bag. Unfortunately my husband doesn't, so there are times when I throw something in the trash can, only to realize belatedly there's no garbage bag in there! Of course this is all my fault, or so my husband tells me. Because I put the garbage bags in an odd spot. Like the kitchen cabinets next to the garbage can.

Tip for garbage bags!

But now I have found the ultimate solution to this problem: I simply put the garbage bags in the garbage can! So whenever hubby pulls out the full garbage bag he can't help but see the new garbage bags! They are looking him right into the eye!

What are you looking for in a garbage bag? Drawstring? Perfumed? Color? Size?

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11 reacties

  1. We are attempting to reduce our trash, thank Heaven, but we do also put the trash bag at the bottom of the bin to avoid "accidents". Great idea!

  2. I put the garbage bags in the garbage can too...but hubby won't replace a bag still, if he's the one to take out the garbage (which he does if it's garbage day). I also put a laundry basket in each bathroom, but his clothes end up NEXT to the basket, on the floor. *sigh* 🙂

  3. I do the same thing! Makes it so much easier for whoever empties to put the new bag in. Only requirements are large with drawstrings for me. Haven't tried the scented ones, but may have to pick some up the next shopping trip. Thanks for sharing!

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